Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day-375 Iris

The day that I was told I had cancer, Doug and I gook a long walk up to Forest Park. 

Together we devised a plan that would focus on my wellness.

A part of this plan was seeing a massage therapist once a week.

I vividly remember the first day I drove to her office, sitting at a stop light I noticed a beautiful bunch of Iris' growing out of a cracked patch of asphalt.

For a few weeks they bloomed, and once they were gone, that patch of asphalt went into hibernation, blending right back into the surrounding landscape.

I missed them. 

It was nice to see something so beautiful thriving in such a hostile environment.  It reminded me of how something great can bloom even in the ugliest environments.

Today, as I was stopped at that same light I was happy to see.

The Iris' were back.

Day 7 - Remember, we are taking care of ourselves - even if all you get is 10 minutes of meditation, or a glass of wine in a quiet room.

I had a good "me" day - got in a couple of nice long walks - and finished off with a long massage.

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