Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 6 - Paperwork

I was just starting to forget about our new normal when in the mail came more paperwork I have to fill out for yet another doctors appointment.  There really should be some clever app for filling out medical forms - those of you with free time on your hands get programming.

Plans are underway for the first Bossier than cancer event to benifit CHAP - t-shirts are being developed, (photo coming soon), head shaving, bang cutting, and various other clever ways to raise money will be employed.  Look for an invitation in the mail in the next few weeks. 

CHAP is growing closer and closer to my heart each passing minute.  Tomorrow I hope to get into our new space for a little art therapy - more to come...

Heal and Deal

Day 5 - Friday

Well this long week is coming to a close. Had my CT scan with results forthcoming. I also had a bone scan and I was told to wait so the dr could look at the results. All week this has led to more tests and more bad news. Today the bad news was good. Seems my bones are clear except for one thing... I have an arthritic right shoulder! I could have told them that for free. Think the u of o will chip in for that surgery?

Doug and I are heading to the gym then dinner free of cancer talk while the kids are at a 10 kid 3 family playdate. Thanks monique and teresa.

Heal and deal


Day 5 - The end of the begining

Last day of tests this week! I think I have met my insurance deductible in 5 days. Sitting in waiting room having drunk a bottle of barium chased by an americano. I have also added an IV to my arm to receive even more things to make my insides glow.

Bone scan and CT scan to follow in a few hours. Want to know what I am sitting here thinking?

1. Am I wearing the correct underwear
2. Will I be done in time to get Graham from school
3. Can I use the cancer card to make Doug go see the movie "bridesmaids" with me this weekend?

My healing guru Frank from CHAP paid a visit and had dinner with us last night he custom made me a t-shirt that says, "i am bossier than cancer" i couldn't agree more

Heal and Deal


Day 4 - Back to Reality

Good afternoon friends. Well the day has finally come and we know what we are up against. Looks like the cancer snuck over to lymph nodes in my armpit but nothing a little chemotherapy can't put a stop to.

My dr put our minds at ease and is setting the coarse for me to begin chemotherapy hopefully next week. This will shrink the tumor, obliterate the lymph node situation and give us a clear path when surgery day comes

What am I going to need you may ask? How about some chemo buddies and a few cute hats. Also if we get to the point where the hair starts going we are going to have a buzz cut party. Ladies I would never expect you to shed your locks but men and kids will be welcome.

Much love to you all for the outpouring of support.

Heal and deal


Day 2 - Test Day

Hi friends - well today I had more tests - a BSGI, blood work, and chest xray. The BSGI is basically a detailed mamogram. My tumor is showing up a little bigger than in the mamogram and there was some concern about the lymph nodes in my left armpit. Tomorrow I have an ultra sound on my armpit, and then the consultation with my Dr. All will be made clear to us tomorrow - so part of me is relieved and part of me is scared. But there is no turning back now!

As one of my mentors, Frank, the founder of Chap always says, "heal and deal"...thats what we are going to do people!


Day 1 - The News

Well Gang the only way I could figure I could get a message out to each and every one of you was via facebook.

I have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

At this time there is much unknown. I felt a lump, scheduled a mamogram which resulted in an immediate biopsey, and now the result. A lot of you already know - and I appoligize that some of you may be finding out this way. To be honest I am emotionally exhausted and really could not hear one more friend cry.

I thought this would be an easy way for me to just keep loved ones up to date on what is happening. Wednesday I go for additional tests, scans, xrays, and blood work. Thursday is an appointment with my surgeon and that is likely when we will understand stages and next steps.

As you all know I have a tough outer shell and don't ask for help much, but I have promised my mom to ask for and accept help from those around me.

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