Friday, December 30, 2011

Day 239 - get packing

Getting our family ready to catch a plane is always a huge endeavor. The toys, underwear, socks, toothbrushes, backpacks, get the picture.

But we have always traveled. Graham took his first plane trip at 2 months old. Each kid has a passport. In fact they have been itching to get on a plane for a while now.

Tomorrow we are heading down to my hometown, Huntington Beach, for a little GiGi time for the kids, and a little Rose Bowl for me and Doug.

I am looking forward to seeing some old friends, and watching the sun set on 2011. It has been a year to remember that is for sure.

One that I am happy to send packing.

1 comment:

  1. I was in Long Beach yesterday and it's Beautiful there I hope your family has fun :)


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