Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day - 192 eat the rainbow

I met with a nutritionist today who specializes in treating people with cancer.

She shed some light on my eating habits (I do a pretty good job), but there are a few things that I will have to break up with once and for all.

Sugar - oh we have had such a long and lovely relationship. I have loved the lemon heads, bitohoney, now and laters, hot tamales, sugar babies, milk duds, that you nurtured and brought to life. I am sure I will dabble in your handiwork every once and a while. For now I bid you adieu, we will likely meet again in a piece of dark chocolate (at least 70% coco).

White flour - we have been breaking up for years, but I return your calls every once in a while when the pizza cravings get too intense.  You have not seen the last of me...yet.

Alcohol - you have been getting a bad rap lately in breast cancer circles and it seems it is well deserved. I will indulge in your pleasant libations on occasion, but you have made me swing from the chandeliers for the last time.

We will add in some new friends to replace our old ones; flax seed, turmeric, fish oil.

From what I have heard they really know how to party...

Doing everything I can to HEAL and deal.


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