Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 154 - Rain Rain go away...

I met the bossiest cancer survivor on the planet last night.

Breast cancer survivor, elite athlete, double mastectomy in December.

She had me almost believing that the surgery was a piece of cake, that I wouldn't need to take any pain medications at all, ("I only took an extra strength Tylenol...once").

If I were as competitive as I would like to think I am I would have scoffed at the idea of taking any medicine at all.

Her intensity was matched with her sweetness.  She just wanted to light a fire under me and tell me that everything was going to be all right, different, but all right.

To be honest it was a lot to take in on a Saturday night.  And it left me a little exhausted.

My latest chemo treatments are wrecking havoc on my skin.  I have a pretty intense "rash" on my face that simply looks like a bad case of teenage acne.

A really bad case.

Talk about adding insult to injury.

Someone told me that it is a sign that the chemo is working.

Sort of like a wedding planner reassuring the bride that rain is a sign of luck on her wedding day.

Come to think about it - it did rain on my wedding day.

And everything turned out just fine.

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