Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day - 105 - "it is a privlage to get old"

Frank - of "heal and deal" fame reminded me of that fact yesterday.  I made some offhanded remark about feeling old, and BAM he knocked me back to reality.

After the week we had together, you would think I would not have needed the reminder.  But alas every ship needs to be righted every once in a while.

I can't quite figure out how Frank landed in our lives.  The moment I met him I felt like he was a part of my family.  I immediately connected to his mission, and started doing some work for CHAP.

In the last 105 days I have felt an even bigger connection. 

This week got even deeper. 

With one phone call Frank brought his magic to a friend in deep crisis.  He brought his bag of tricks and his compassion up to the hill, and calmed a family in their darkest hour.

Yesterday we got started on healing and dealing.  Barely scratched the surface I am sure, but I did see a few smiles, heard some beautiful stories, and shed some tears.

There is no explanation, no way to try and find a logical reason for any of this to have happened. 

I am just forever thankful that we had Frank to help guide us off the hill and back to reality.

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