Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 68 - A reminder

It has been a tough week.  My Bossiness reached an all time low yesterday.  Maybe it was the ridiculous 7am meeting I had to attend, maybe it was the 4am Harris wake-up call as he snuggled into bed between us, or perhaps it was just my body telling me to SLOW DOWN.

Needless to say I left the office around 10am to "work from home".  To be honest this consisted of me lying in bed trying to find a comfortable position and sleep.  For someone as exhausted as I was you would think this would have been simple.  But alas it was a futile effort.  So I just ended up actually working from home.

Which was a good thing.  I enjoy my job - most days I enjoy being in the office - but yesterday was not one of them.  A women I don't know actually said to me, "didn't you used to have really long hair?".  Ummm yup, and I also didn't used to have cancer.

I am beginning to rebel against long hair - seems like everyone has it, and that being bald, or having a cute little pixie is the way to go.  And as soon as I get a little sun on my head I think I may just sport my baldness around town.  Strangely enough I am not actually bald bald.  More like a week of stubble, depending on your ethnicity, which for some reason I think is actually quite attractive.

So anyway - yesterday was rough - I wasn't walking the talk as they say, and then the mailman came and delivered me this:

from my Seattle Sisters - Trilby and Suzie.  It could not have come at a better time.  It gave me my Bossiness back, it lifted my spirits, and it reminded me yes cancer sucks, but you know what, I am in charge here.


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