Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 53 - Girlfriends

It is incredible how many girlfriends one can accumulate by the time you reach your 40's.  It helps to have lived in the same city for over a decade, to have worked at a few different companies, and to have children.  But the true amazement comes when you see how quickly a group of women will circle their wagons around you.

I was reminded of a story a friend told me long ago of how Elephants are such social, pack animals that even a separation of years, of decades, does not diminish their love for an original member of the pack.  When reunited they fall into their past roles, and settle into old relationships as if no time has passed.

This is what has been happening for me lately.  My pack of Elephants just keeps circling, checking in on me every now and again, nudging me with their trunks.  Every day I am the lucky recipient of multiple expressions of love.  I wondered in the beginning if and when the newness of my situation would wear off and people would get back to their busy lives - and that day has not come.

I am not sure how to repay this kindness, this genuine concern.  The best idea I have come up with is to simply come to the end of this dance with cancer a stronger, more loyal elephant.


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