Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 12 - A good plan spoiled

Cancer is a big giant pain in my ass, totally cramping my style.  We had long standing plans to head up to our mountain house with friends this weekend, but since the surgery to place my port was scheduled for tomorrow, cancer has gotten in the way.  My amazing Dr. is coming in on a Saturday to do it so I guess I should not complain.

As part of the pre-surgery routine a nurse from the hospital called me today.  She had to go through those routine questions:

What medicine are you taking
Ever had a stroke, high blood pressure, surgery, diabetes
Are you a drug user, smoker, heavy drinker
Have you experienced a bad reaction to sedation

After honestly answering every question no, the nurse tells me, "wow you are really healthy"

To which I replied, "except for that pesky tumor in my chest that has gone awol on me and drifted out to my lymph nodes"

My surgery is scheduled for 2pm - so if you find yourself thinking about me around that time, hope for a nice sleepy sedation, followed by a successful port placement, with a scoop of Doug at the end of it all for me. 

And let's think nice thoughts about my port -a foreign object that will be part of my body for a year,and who's job it will be to deliver tumor eradicating medicine throughout my body.  Pretty important teammate I will be meeting tomorrow.  Hope it is as kick ass as me.

Got run - Getting Bossy.



  1. I'll be thinking of you my friend.
    Much love!

  2. In my thought and many of my friends this afternoon! xOXO doing your way..Mom


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