Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Can I borrow that?

Doug and I were out to dinner last weekend, when I noticed he was wearing a new sweater.

"I would look really cute in that." I said.

To which he replied, "I am not sure how to answer that."

"Trust me, if I want to wear it, I will find it, no matter where you try and hide it." I laughed.

I reminded him of how, after months of begging, my parents finally put a lock on my older sisters door, out of sympathy.  You see,  Kristy and I were merciless in our "borrowing" from her wardrobe, and no amount of yelling, begging, or threatening was going to stop us.

We were so good we could even sneak in while she was sleeping in order to grab a cool pair of pants, sweater, skirt, shoes.

The lock on the door only made procurement a little more challenging - but not impossible.

Kristy and I devised a system where one of us would hold the 12 foot ladder that reached Andrea's bedroom window, while the other climbed up and through, opening the door on the other side.

I told Doug we did this every day.  Sometimes twice a day, since we had to get the "borrowed" clothes back into the locked bedroom.

So if I really wanted to borrow his new sweater, there was nothing he could do about it.  And it was likely he would never know.

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