Tuesday, August 21, 2012

"I like the Pop family..."

Harper has been accompanying me to work this week.  The lucky little imp gets to go to an all day sports camp at Nike.

While we were driving today we were talking about what we liked better, popcorn or candy.

As any friend of mine would know, candy is my kryptonite.  I would choose candy over almost everything.

And we are not talking about some high falutin' candy - I like me some bit o honey, laughy taffy, chicko sticks.  The cheaper the better.

Harper, being the good little Eikenberry that she is, loves her some salty snacks.  So if given the choice, she is diving into a bag of popcorn.

Except, apparently, when it comes to the, "pop" family.

And by "pop" family Harper means:

"otterpops, ringpops, pushpops, poprocks, popsicles..."

All of this  reminded me of when I was a kid, growing up on Honolulu Lane, five houses away from Eddie the Ice Cream Man.

I thought it was incredible that such a celebrity lived so close to me.  We would see him everyday of the  summer at the bay.  I would run from the beach to the sidewalk whenever I would hear his music.

My sisters would get pushpops and big sticks.  Sometimes one of them would just get candy - the kind with the white sticks and the powder.

None of that worked for me.  Each and every time I would gravitate towards the rocket pop - you know the red/white/blue ones.

Which made me realize.

I love the "pop" family too.

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