Saturday, July 21, 2012

I see...

Yesterday we spent 5 hours in the car with 3 small children.  Today we did the same thing.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result right?

No - it really wasn't that bad.  The Eikenkids have about 3 hours of road time in them before they begin questioning when we are going to arrive at our destination.  A short pit stop seemed to solve the problem both days.

We are taking the back roads, so a lot of two lane highways, and wide open spaces.

My favorite part of today was when we were in the middle of nowhere, with a bright blue sky dotted with fluffy clouds, the kids kept shouting out what animals they were seeing in the clouds.

I think I could find about half of them.  The elephant and the mouse were undeniable, but I could never quite find the cat, or the pegasus.

My second favorite part of the drive was when I put on the New Wave station that plays relentless 80's rock, and even features Richard Blade!  (KROQ?  no idea?  then you did not grow up in the 714).  I love to show off my Name that Tune skills with Doug.  80% of the time I nail at least the band within 5 notes.

Doug only gets the most popular songs (Duran Duran anyone?), and shakes his head as I yell Kajagooogoo!  English Beat!, Bananrama!.

Every once in a while a song would pop up, I could sing the chorus, but struggled to name the one hit wonders - Doug was still impressed with my ability to sing part or all of every song.

And no I did not have a lonely childhood.

We made it to Reno for the night - wanted to give the kids the chance to just snuggle into a pull out couch before we land on our friends in Lake Tahoe tomorrow.

I already feel like we have had a vacation - and tomorrow it really starts.

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