Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 299 - A sign?

I had lunch today with a former coworker turned friend.  She reminded me that I had signed up, a long time ago, to climb Mt. Ranier in order to raise money and awareness for Breast Cancer.

Until that moment, I had totally forgotten about that long ago quest.  My sister in law, Lynn had lost her best friend to Breast Cancer, and in honor of her, she signed up for this 3 day challenge.

At the time I had 2 small children, and I was looking for a way to get back into shape.  So I decided to join Lynn in this adventure.

I was reminded today that in my letter I said I was climbing/raising money/raising awareness in the hopes that my daughter would never have to worry about Breast Cancer.

Oh the irony.

As part of the training I had to hike with a 45lb backpack.  On my first training hike, I stuck Graham on my back in a kid carrier, and hit the trails.  About 20 minutes into it I realized this was going to be much harder than I expected.

A few weeks later I understood why.  I was pregnant with Harris.

Unfortunatley for Lynn she was going to have to go about this adventure on her own.  Which in the end turned into spending 2 days in a total whiteout sharing a tent with 2 dudes she didn't know. They never made it to the top.

I regret missing that trip, even though Lynn never made it to the top, she raised a ton of money, and had a few days stuck in a tent, honoring her friend.

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