Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 251 - Survivor

I love the show Survivor.  While I am not such a fanatic that I actually know the cast of every show, I could probably pick 30% of the contestants out of a line-up.

The kids favorite parts are the challenges.  Over the years I think they have gotten easier/harder.  Meaning, they don't last as long (easier), but to win some of the physical ones you have to be in outrageous shape (harder).

I had my own Survivor challenge today.  For my first radiation appointment I had to lie perfectly still, with my arms raised over my head, topless, for 45 minutes.

Anyway, like I said yesterday I wanted to use this time to try and meditate, and to keep my shit together.  I am not sure which was more difficult.

I think I did a pretty good job on the meditation front for the first 5 minutes, but honestly it could have been the first five seconds.

The next 45 minutes were like a multi layered psychedelic dream.

Mozart was playing in the background the entire time, for what I would like to believe was dramatic effect, but of that I am not really sure.  Nurses bustled in and out, at times I felt like they were my ladies in waiting, fussing over me, adjusting this, murmuring that.

Once everyone was safely out of the way this huge machine would orbit around me, beeping like a 5am wake-up call the entire time.

After a while I began to wonder, is this some sort of military experiment.  I have no idea how much time is passing, the Mozart mixed with the beeping, buzzing, and murmuring is beginning to make me feel, well, crazy.

Stuck with my arms over my head, my nose begins to itch, my shoulders are screaming and the blood has drained from my hands.

And just when I think I can not take one more second of it a nurse walks in and tells me in the most cheerful of voices,

"Half way there!"

So I resolve to put myself on some tropical island somewhere, balancing tea cups on a stick while standing barefoot on a stump, in the blazing sun, not able to move a muscle or else I will be eliminated from the game.

And wouldn't you know it before long the treatment was complete.

I had survived.

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