Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 150

Top five signs that I, along with the universe, am over my cancer:

1. Going through airport security I was pulled aside for full terrorist suspect screening. Bags searched, hands swiped, hat removed. Either I looked terminally ill, suggesting I had nothing to live for, or the security guard was a total prick. You guess.

2. My skin is rebelling, big time. Dry patches, acne, cuts that won't heal. I think my body is saying enough is enough.

3. My cancer jokes are so stale, no one finds them funny anymore.

4. Graham showed me his journal where he has begun to keep a tally of my mommy grades. He advised me that I received a check last night because I was being nice mommy. The night before I received a minus because I made him go to bed too early, mean mommy Even my children are beginning to turn on me.

5. My hair is growing back in ernest. And as much as I wanted to be nicknamed Ginger, it seems a more apt name will be Salt and Pepper.

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