Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 127 - 41

Forty One

I have lived every year of my life with sisters.  My first memory is of being in a pack n play, and my mom, and two sisters looking in at me and then leaving the room.

What resulted was a feeling of being left out.  Which to this day I hate.

Harper sort of struggles with this.  The boys share a room, so on the weekends she thinks it is time for a sleep over.  Usually she ends up snuggled next to Graham.

I guess Harris decided to join the party too. 

They are so lucky to have each other. 

I hope that they come together, like my sisters have for me, when they need each other.  I hope they always want to share a room, hug each other, and play together.

I hope they don't need this photo to remind them of how much once loved each other.

I hope they always believe they are the Eikenkids, the Eikencrazies, Team Eikenberry. 

And I hope that I get to celebrate each of their 41st birthdays.

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