Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 117 - Grandpaw

That handsome devil right there is my grandpaw.  Today would have been his 90th birthday.

He was one of the funniest people I ever new.  And sweetest.  And I am not sure if I have ever met someone who was harder working.

One of my favorite things was how much he loved my grandmother Clara Belle. 

They were high school sweethearts, and married the night Clara Belle graduated from high school.

He dropped her off back at home that night.  And continued to do so until one of them got the courage to tell her folks.

As a kid I didn't understand why she called him Daddy.  I sort of loved it, but sort of thought it was weird.  As a mother I totally get it.

He called her mother.  So respectful of her position in the family. 

How lucky was I to have such amazing role models.

It is no wonder I am so bossy.

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