Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day - 101 - a two parter

Part 1.  Harper-

Last night as I was tucking Harper into bed - her busy day (zoo camp + playdate) was starting to get the better of her.  She kept trying to get more out of me, and I was spent.

Finally I just told her to go to bed, and went and started a bubble bath for myself.  A few minutes later I could hear Doug in her room, trying to calm her down.

Through her tears she kept saying, "Mama is just too Bossy.  She is Bossier than cancer.  Mama just bosses me around at night"

Which is all true.  I am all of those things. 

And so is Harper - which I will be happy about, in probably 25 years.
Part 2.  Kayla update

As I type this tonight, young Kayla is on life support up at Dorenbechers, surrounded by her friends and family.  She has had several neurological tests today, the results of which are showing no signs of life in her brain.

There will be a few more test later this evening, and then decisions will be made, next steps taken. 

Much like I have experienced the last 101 days, I believe that Kayla, her mom Allison, little sister Maile, grandmother Mae, and uncle Bryan are seeing, feeling, and hearing support that they never could imagine existed.

In times of tragedy I believe we all show our true colors.  Some of us want to get to work, helping in any task we can.  Others want to sit and nurture.  Many pray.

But we come together, our tribes, and we circle around, and we do what we can. 

Tonight I am not sure what we can do except be thankful for our friends and our our families, and know that if this, any of this, were to happen to you, that your tribe would find you, lift you up, and carry you to wherever you needed to go.

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