Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 89 - Neither here nor there

My hair is falling out, and growing back, simultaneously.

You know how when you were a kid, and you would get a good sunburn on your shoulders, it would blister, and then you would spend hours peeling the skin, like a snake, my head is sort of like that right now.

The skin isn't peeling, but if I scratch it just a little bit, I rain dead stubble.  Sort of gross, I know, but that is my reality here people. 

At the same time, if you look really close I have baby bird hair growing out of my head too.  Can't explain it - but there it is in all of its Big Bird glory.

One of the things I get to look forward to is what will my hair look like when it grows back.  It is sort of like being pregnant and not finding out the sex of the baby until the big day.  You know, one of life's last secrets.  Well my hair is sort of like that.

For now - my mostly bald head looks like this:

As for those hairs that are growing back, they look blond, but perhaps are grey. 

I don't really care either way- they are there, and they are good cells, and they are growing. 

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