Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 32 - Auntie Kristy saves the day

As much fun as I had at chemo on Tuesday, the next two days really stunk.  Imagine getting hit by a school bus, sprinkle in some food poisoning, and a dollop of exhaustion and you get what I am talking about.  Chemo sucks the life out of you, while at the same time it is trying to give you your life back.  I appreciate all the hard work chemo - but I wish you would take it a little easier on me next time.

I am vertical for the first time in 48 hours so that is a good sign.  My hair is falling out in earnest.  Remember the scene in The Breakfast Club - Ali Sheedy's character making it snow...I can do that too!  Except my snow looks like those little chocolate jimmies the kids love on their ice cream cones.

Auntie Kristy came over last night and played with the Eikenkids while I slept, and Doug had a night off to go play a round of golf with some friends in from California.  She also brought a huge bag of candy - which I know I am not supposed to be eating, but when your mouth tastes like metal, a lemon head is an excellent remedy.

Glad I am on the other side of my Chemo this week- and that my next one is not scheduled until June 10th.  Need to work on getting my bossy back. 

Like they say at LIVESTRONG there are good days and great days - here's to today being a great day.


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