Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 25 - "You have a gorgeous heart"

Now anyone telling you that would be an amazing gesture.  But let me tell you, hearing a cardiologist tell you that while performing an ultra-sound on your heart is the best time to hear positive words about your most important organ.  No less than 3 Dr's came into the room to admire my lovely vessel.

Who knew?

I guess all the healthy living has paid off somewhere - my blood pressure is super low, and my heart apparently looks like a 1990's supermodel.  Oh la la.

My heart has always been my dominate organ. I go with my heart in most decisions. It lead me to U of O. It caused me to marry Doug, at the ripe old age of 21, having only known him for a year. It has lead my career decisions. In short my heart deserved some kudos, not just for being beautiful, but also for being pretty damn smart.

It is also what tells me each and every day that we are going to get to the other side of this cancer thing.  It reminds me that I need to open my heart to all who want to enter it.  I am going to stop trying to protect it from the weird, the demanding, or the just too sentimental.  My heart can handle it all.

I have been hiding it for too long.  The word is on the street - she is gorgeous.

Full of Love and Bossiness.

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