Friday, November 16, 2012

Here we go again...

I am not sure if meeting your insurance deductible two years in a row is a good thing, but it does mean that my surgery on Tuesday will be free!

It is hard to tell people that you are going in for surgery without having to explain the whole story.  Sometimes I just want to say, "read my blog", and move on.

As I have said before I work for a pretty great woman.  Smart, compassionate, direct.  But it is still super awkward having to explain BRCA 2 genetic mutations, cancer risks, treatment options, in between meetings.

So I did what any chicken would do - I sent a text.

As strange as it may sound, the text message at Nike is read faster than any other communication.  And sometimes you can carry on a pretty good conversation, usually while sitting in your 5th meeting of the day.

When I realized I had forgotten to tell her I was going to be out next week, I dropped her a text.

Short and sweet - it read, "So I have to have another surgery, I will be out a few days.  After this I will be done removing body parts.  I think I have reached my lifetime limit."

Her reply, equally short and sweet, "Fuck Cancer".

My sentiments exactly.

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