Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 157 - yes they are fake, my real ones tried to kill me

Had my plastic surgery consultation today - 2 hours of bobbie talk.

We ran through the typical heath questions.  There was a slight pause at my age (41).  My Dr. looked up and said, "you seem much younger".

To which I replied, "It must be the acne"  (remember how I said my skin was breaking out?  Believe me it really is).

He just laughed (yeah!).

Then things got pretty intense, fast.  I was alarmed at first when he said that I would likely have radiation after surgery.  (lymph node situation).

The problem with radiation is that it doesn't play nice with your soft tissues, and makes reconstruction a little trickier.

Dr. Z explained that with chemo your body eliminates what it doesn't need, and there is no sign that the chemo was ever actually there.  Cancer cells may beg to differ but you get the point.

With radiation your body doesn't really feel the same way.  He made some reference to Hiroshima and Geiger counters and I started to get woozy. 

Bottom line, there is still radiation in Hiroshima, and there will still be radiation in something to do with skin loosing elasticity?

So I guess would rather not ever have to have radiation.  But if you do, it kills everything in its path, most importantly cancer cells.

Dr. Z is a bit of an odds maker - so he feels I am 60/40.  60% chance of needing radiation.

But we won't know until after surgery...I just love the suspense.

Next was the discussion of types of reconstruction available.  I had been reading up on this for a while, so I kind of knew my options.

Basically your choices here are using your own fat from your tummy, or an implant.  I thought, sign me up for the tummy fat removal!

No dice there - seems that I don't have enough transplantable material.  Kristy offered up some of hers but that was a non starter.

Implants it is.

Lastly my Dr. went to 2nd base with me - in front of a nurse and my sister no less!

Measurements were taken, arms raised, murmuring.

And then my first topless photo shoot.

All before noon.

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