Thursday, April 25, 2013

2 years later

It goes without saying that I can not believe it has been 2 years since that fateful day when my Dr. called and simply said, "It's cancer".

You know that sound your TV used to make when you turned it on late at night as a kid.  Black and white snow buzzing with such intensity it usually made you jump.

That's what hearing the words, "you have cancer" feels like.

And it feels that way for a good hour or so.

I assume it is the rush of adrenaline that your brain has a hard time processing that causes the world around you to disappear, and for the buzzing to start.

When I reminded Doug what today was, he said, "is that something you want to celebrate?".

And I thought - yes it is.

I want to celebrate all of you who:

Cut braids
Shaved my head
Sat with me at Chemo
Took care of my kids
Sent me cards
Cooked meals
Read my blog
Said my boobs looked good
Brought me funny movies
Spent one moment praying to whomever you pray to for my well being

It is not something I ever want to go through again - but I am glad I had each of you to help me along the way.

Heal and Deal

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dawn - God Bless you and I did pray to God that you would heal. That's who I pray to but I respect anyone who prays to whatever they believe == love Joyce


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