Wednesday, March 6, 2013

tests tests tests

So today I had a bone density test.  No need to be alarmed, simply a test I need to have because of the medication I am on.

3 things I liked about this test:

1.  I didn't have to take my clothes off or put on a dumb hospital gown (seriously...gown?  I think not).
2.  I waited literally 30 seconds before I was called into the examination room.
3.  The test took about 5 minutes.

3 things I did not like:

1.  It was in the same office where I had my biopsy, almost 2 years ago, and you know the rest.
2.  The only open parking spot was where I  parked my car, almost 2 years ago, and where I retreated and cried harder than any time in my life after what I thought was going to be a mammogram ended being far more evasive and scary.
3.  That I had to be there at all.

Like a good friend, and breast cancer survivor said to me today, "I could do it again if I have to, I just don't ever want to have to."

Heal and Deal

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