Thursday, October 4, 2012


Tonight I danced to my hearts content.

I am not sure if I am a good, great, decent or terrible dancer.

What I do know is I always have a good time when I am dancing.

This embarrasses Harris to no end.  He tells me, "no dancing Mama"  on occasion.  And since he notices every detail (last week, when for some reason my hair was temporarily straight he said, "you took the curl away from your hair Mama."), I wonder if I am actually a terrible dancer.

I would like to think I am so good that my dancing distracts from his enjoyment of a particular song, and this is why he asks me to stop.

But I digress.

Tonight I danced with co-workers.

This can be an awkward situation - as dancing is intimate, and typically shows a side of a person you have never seen before.

As I told a friend, over the din of Earth Wind and Fire, playing live in front of us, "A year ago I may not have enjoyed this as much as I am today.  Today I can dance, and maybe look like a fool, and not give a fuck what anyone thinks."

My friend just laughed.

And then we danced like no one was watching.

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