While I had never been a particular fan of his, even after my cancer diagnosis, I was happy to have the opportunity to listen to him tell his story, and to share mine.
I do not claim to understand the allegations against him. How someone wins the Tour 7 times, is tested relentlessly during that time, and is now being stripped of his wins.
After never testing positive for illegal substances. Not once.
What I do know is, Lance is a cocky guy, acts like he is invincible, and let me tell you, I can relate.
Imagine being told you have an aggressive form of cancer, that your chances of survival hinge on a new experimental therapy, that the Dr's. are not sure if you will see your next birthday let alone compete as a professional athlete again.
Imagine receiving high doses of poison, potent enough to almost kill you.
Imagine loosing a very private part to surgery.
Then, if you can, imagine surviving.
And after all that hard work, all the effort it took to simply keep on living, imagine your Dr. telling you that now you have an, "obligation to the cure". That, as one of the lucky ones, you now need to do something for the cancer community at large.
And then imagine you do it.
Say what you will about what Lance did or didn't do during his 7 Tour wins. That is not his real legacy.
L I V E S T R O N G is.
A few weeks ago I took off my yellow bracelet, I felt like I was done with Cancer.
Today I put it back on.
Did you see that Livestrong saw a large rise in donations in the days after he made the announcement? I'm proud supporter too!