Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 265 - A promise kept

When I was in 7th grade I told my parents that I was going to get a full ride athletic scholarship.  My father said that if that was the case, then he would buy me a brand new car.

I am not sure if he believed me at the time, since I am pretty sure he didn't have a brand new car himself, but I never let him forget it.

On the day that I signed my letter of intent to the U of O, I began dreaming of the new car I would be driving up to Eugene.

Somehow one of my Uncles convinced me that I didn't want a brand new car in college, that what I actually wanted was a brand new car when I graduated from college.  For some reason I believed this to be a great idea, and told my parents of this new revised plan.

The very next day my Dad drove home, in HIS brand new car.  A sweet Chevy Blazer.  To say I was bummed is an understatement, and for a while I thought I had been duped - that my parents had set me up with my uncles help.

Fast forward four years, and I am engaged to be married in my senior year of college.  Now instead of the promised brand new car, I was getting a wedding.

Five years later, my father passed away.  A few months after his funeral my mom called and said he would have wanted me to have his car.

When it arrived in New York all I could think was.

He kept his promise.

1 comment:

  1. Dreams do come true even if it takes a while for the event to happen. Your father was a good friend and I do miss him. Love - joyce


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