Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 200 - Were Expanding!

First off, I can't believe I just typed in Day 200...While I am happy that those 200 days are behind us, it is the next 200, and the next, and the next, and the next, that I am most looking forward to.

Yesterday I ran into a colleague/friend who had not seen me in a while.  She was so excited that I was at the half way point in all of this, and really encouraged me to plan a trip to Bora Bora to celebrate.  (she had just returned from an amazing time there).

With stars in my eyes I spent a little time last night researching such a trip.  Then I started talking to Graham about it (he couldn't understand the rooms on stilts over the water bit, but I had him at on site marine biologist, swimming with Manta Rays, and the all important feeding sharks).

I am not sure it is in the cards (read $$$) quite yet, but I did tell Graham it is always important to have a dream trip that you can look forward to, and I think that is our trip.

Today I went in for my second expansion, just when the cement bra was starting to soften, we are back at the cement bra stage again.  This time just in time for my weekend with Doug in Palo Alto (Go Ducks!).

Imagine wearing your most uncomfortable underwire bra, the one that has the wire that pokes in your sides every once and a while.  Add in that feeling of going too long between nursing your infant.  Sprinkle in the dull roar of a bad cut still healing, and you are half way there. 

The good news is, since we are on turbo expansion here in Portland, it looks like I probably only have one more to go.  And if the plastic surgeon is right, we should be able to get the implants in before the beginning of radiation. 

Looks like instead of singing, "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth", I will be signing, "all I want for Christmas is my two soft implants".

Go Ducks!

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