Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day - 186. "De plane, de plane"

I have never considered getting a tattoo until now.

Let's just say two tattoos will be the crowning glory of my reconstruction.

And it shouldn't hurt at all.

Yesterday I went in for my every three week dose of herceptin. It felt a little foreign to walk into the oncologists office and have my port accessed.

When the needle went into my chest I almost flew out of the chair. It didn't hurt really, since my entire chest was numb, but it didn't tickle either.

Hopefully when it comes time to complete this reconstruction I will be used to the needles in my chest.

My sisters and I joked about what the tattoos should be.

Two hearts?

Winking eyes?

Kissing lips?

One of them was confused at first, not realizing what my surgery had removed. I told her, "when I said everything I wasn't exaggerating"

When I look in the mirror I am not surprised by what I see.

And I am not bothered by it either.

I just can't decide between hearts or nipples.

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