Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 116 - Cancer Sucks

No matter how bossy I feel some days cancer just sucks.  It's not the baldness, the chemo, or the fear, it is the lack of a immune system.

Somehow I have obtained a severe ear infection.  Both inside and out.  I look like I wrestled in college. 

Yes it is that bad.

The last two days disappeared from my life, with little participation from me.  Doug had to take me to the Dr. where the best I could do was lay in the fetal position, shivering and sweating at the same time.

They even drew blood with me laying there, and I am a pretty tough cookie.  But sitting up was a chore.

Today I am feeling a little better.  The ear is still killing me.  But all I want is for it to get better.

So I can get chemo tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds super crappy. Sorry love. Hang in there and start planning the next milestone. Love you!


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