Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 88 - It is always something these days

I had Chemo treatment number 6 yesterday - only 10 more to go!  As always there is a litany of tests before the fun begins.  It goes something like this:

Step on the scale, take temperature, take pulse, take blood pressure (notice that there is no giving going on).  Head to examination room, have IV inserted into port (hurts a little less each time, but it is still like stepping on a thumbtack, with your chest), take two vials of blood to be tested, wait for Dr.

Today we discovered that I am suddenly anemic.  Anemia is one of the side effects of chemo, but if it gets bad enough I will be the happy recipient of a blood transfusion next week, instead of chemo.  So of coarse I am on an immediate green leafy vegetable regimen (as if I wasn't already), and all sorts of other iron rich foods - we will see how it goes.

Well after all that taking, it was time for the giving, of chemo that is.  Kristy was my buddy this week, and as much as I wanted to just chat with her, after the bag of benedryl they now give me at the beginning of treatment, my eyes crossed and I fell into a narcosleep like no other.  I could barely shake the sleep off to drive home 2 hours later. 

The great news is that I feel pretty good today. Probably the best I have felt in weeks to be honest. 

Oh and the other great news.  My Dr. said that if I was up for it, I should try and have a glass of red wine every now and again...will help with the anemia.

Who knew!

I may take her up on that prescription tonight.


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