Graham - 6
That is the future right there. There is nothing like the sponge that a 6 year old boy is. One minute Lego, the next Harry Potter. And this summer a glimmer of a love for sports.
When we first found out about my cancer - during those very dark days when we didn't know how bad things were - Graham is who I worried the most about.
He loves me that much.
He needs his mother.
I was terrified of leaving him, of the simple possibility of not being a part of his life.
Someday we will read this blog together, and we will be thankful for all that we have, and all that we have been through.
It is going to make him a better person.
Not that he was going to need any help.
Made me cry Dawnn...not out of sadness, but out of gratefulness for my first born who also just needs his Mom too...even at almost 13 years old. You will read that post together one day and he will be reminded of just how wonderful and tough his mama is...not that he will need much of a reminder :)