Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 43 - "You are such a trooper"

I love that phrase - to me it means you trudged through something, without complaint.  And when you boss tells you that, well then it is a double good thing.

Now I don't quite agree with her, you see today we had to hop on a private jet, look at some real estate, slip into a 5 star hotel, and then have a really good dinner.  Sure by dessert I was ready for a hot bath, but trust me today was a breeze.  Plus I had the right seat at dinner, dead center, you know the seat, the one where you can jump from conversation to conversation with ease.

I did get the hushed cancer conversation from one of my seatmates.  Someone who basically told me he was afraid he had some fatal disease and would I please provide him with the magic understanding of how one discovers they have cancer.  And by that I think he means, in time to do something about it.

Part of this cancer thing it seems is trying to help other people through their fears of what you are actually facing yourself.  Thankfully it is not like childbirth with every woman sharing their birthing horror stories.  Although I have had more than one person tell me about a relative who just died a horrible cancer death.  Note to the public at large - this is not helpful :).

So I guess my boss is right - I am a trooper, but not for the reasons she thinks.


1 comment:

  1. Read your blog every morning:) Sets the right tone for my day. Especially this one. My mom always used to refer to me as her "trooper." I wasn't always sure that it was such a good thing and I think, perhaps, it's caused me to stick with some things long past the "cut your losses" stage. But, all in all, I think it is one of my better traits:) Especially nice to see this post since today is my birthday, which makes me think of my mom a little more than I usually do:)

    Hugs, good vibes and a little extra bossiness from Boston!




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