Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 24 - "How are your kids?"

I hear that question a lot.  I wish I could say that they sit me down and tell me all their feelings about what is going on around the house, but that just isn't the case. 

When I told Graham, he just wanted to know if I was going to die.  I assured him that was not going to happen, and other than staying by my side for a few days, and being his usual sweet self, he seems ok. 

Harper wanted to know if I was going to give it to her.  Which just made me laugh.  I was more worried that the whole hair thing would freak her out more than anyone (including me), but she actually likes it.  She will sit in bed with me and rub my head - and helps me pick out a scarf or hat to wear every morning.

Harris has zero clue.  He likes his shaved head, and rubs it against mine all the time - we call ourselves "team baldy"  Doug and Harper are "team hair"

After the initial panic, fear, and terror of a cancer diagnosis, life does return to a new normal.  For me I forget most of the day that my body is working to shrink my tumor.  We just go about our business, and we are thankful for all that we do have - 3 amazing, noisy, adorable kids. 

I usually just answer the kids are alright - and most days I feel that to be true.

Make sure you raise Bossy kids - they will be able to conquer anything life throws their way.



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