Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 1 - The News

Well Gang the only way I could figure I could get a message out to each and every one of you was via facebook.

I have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

At this time there is much unknown. I felt a lump, scheduled a mamogram which resulted in an immediate biopsey, and now the result. A lot of you already know - and I appoligize that some of you may be finding out this way. To be honest I am emotionally exhausted and really could not hear one more friend cry.

I thought this would be an easy way for me to just keep loved ones up to date on what is happening. Wednesday I go for additional tests, scans, xrays, and blood work. Thursday is an appointment with my surgeon and that is likely when we will understand stages and next steps.

As you all know I have a tough outer shell and don't ask for help much, but I have promised my mom to ask for and accept help from those around me.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the updates. We are obviously hoping for the best, and wish you strength.


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